Tag Archive | invest

Every Relationship


What if I’m strong and confident most of the time?
As a woman I have a hard time letting go
Of my nature when I’m in a relationship.
Past failures are the cause of my current guilt trip.
If I have to give up something how will I grow
As a person? Can I find a union sublime?

It would be such a blessing to find someone who
Can find value in the way I happen to be.
What I want is to not have to change or let go
Of some characteristics of mine. I don’t know
If I could trust myself with someone completely.
I need some kind of guidance on just what to do.

Trust yourself to be able to handle what you
Don’t control. Sometimes you make the right decision
And sometimes you have to make the decision right.
There will be days of darkness but most will be bright.
All will go as you wish if you can envision
Everything about your biggest dream coming true.

You trust other people to the extent that you
Trust yourself to be able to handle the flaws
Of others. You attract what you’re feeling inside.
Be aware of how you feel because it’s your guide
To fulfillment so you need not worry because
You have taken on a positive point of view.

Humor And Fun

Expressive Clowns

The effectiveness of humor is about the
Surprise factor which is all about knowing where
Your are always. Your timing is right on the mark.
If you want to be funny you can put some spark
In your humor by being consciously aware
Of the place where your audience happens to be.

In this world filled with hardships everyone faces
Unique struggles catered to our lives. Amid all
Of the chaos, the best advice is not to take
Life too seriously and give yourself a break
From it all with some laughter and right off the wall
Silliness. Negativity it erases.

Being funny has nothing to do with being
Able to see the lighter side. Being funny
Means providing fun or causing amusement or
Laughter. Someone who’s funny is hard to ignore.
But a sense of humor is the ability
To experience laughter which is quite freeing.

Having a sense of humor and being funny
Are both important. Humor helps us to release
Stress and tension. It helps to create memories
That are wonderful. It can even cure disease.
It’s the delicate balance between war and peace.
The best humor happens unintentionally.