Tag Archive | ghost busters

I Don’t Have A Girlfriend, Mommy


You may interrogate me, and that would be fine.
I’m a young man of temperance and keen insight.
Yes, I did have a good time at nursery school.
I’m a big fan there. Everyone thinks that I’m cool.
…No, the girls don’t excite me. I think they’re alright
But I’m not there for romance, by nature’s design.

We all like to play ghost busters. That’s lots of fun.
Make believe is the medium I manage well.
I become the aggressor in positive ways
Showing bad guys in all worlds that crime never pays.
Bless your heart, mommy. I’ve no sad story to tell
 Nor a secret to keep from you or anyone.

Dinosaurs is another game we played today.
I like being the T-Rex. Our styles are the same –
Both ferocious and timid but smarter than all.
And the bigger they are, the less chance that they’ll fall.
Coyness is below me. I harbor no shame.
Truthfulness is a virtue not just for display.

I do not have a girlfriend, but friends who are girls
Are somewhat of some interest. That’s about it.
You’re the one I come home to and who I most love.
We both planned our acquaintance in heaven above
Where we’ve made many others to which we commit.
As your womb was my oyster, I’m one of your pearls.