Tag Archive | George Orwell

Orwell On The Thaw

Catching Up To 1984

Shortly prior to death, his stark warnings of things,
That may come without notice like drying wet paint,
Were recorded by interview decades ago.
His insight was uncanny. Keenly did he know
Human nature, although he wrote with some constraint
Due to TB and the horror that sickness brings.

There will be few emotions… Most certainly fear,
Rage, and triumph over someone who is helpless.
The erotic instinct, once eradicated,
Will abolish the orgasm. People instead
Will be sequenced by gene splicing. Should one express
Any aberrant feelings, one may disappear.

Power intoxication will always exist.
Victory is the thrill felt in mortal combat.
To consider the future imagine a boot
Forever on a human face. Selfish pursuit
Will forever be the most effective format
For approaching life. Needs of others are dismissed.

Loyalty to The Party will be absolute.
Anyone thinking differently will be known
Through mind probing intelligence. The moral here
Is stark ravingly simple and perfectly clear.
This does not have to happen. By free will we own
The decision to change. It’s our sole attribute.