Tag Archive | awarenesses

You Attract By Your Attention

Personal Focus

Your life is created by the story you tell…
By the conversations that you have also by
Memories and past attitudes and about how
You feel about things in general yet right now
You can change it without even having to try.
You can learn to tell your new story very well.

You’re the attractor of things by your attention.
You create your own reality in this way.
You’ve the ability to think differently
Than you do at this moment which means you can be
In a pretty nice place throughout much of your day.
Happiness isn’t beyond your comprehension.

You’re a brilliant creator in this here and now.
Life on earth is the leading edge of creation.
Find something to focus upon. Feel your way to
Clearer, purer, less resistive thought. It helps you
To make stable your spiritual foundation.
Life gets so much better when you learn to allow.

It’s only about you personally wanting
Enough to feel good that you’re willing to reach for
Better feeling thoughts. Clear your mind and start anew.
Turning thoughts to things should come easily to you.
As you ask, it is given, and you’ll receive more
Than you could have imagined to make your heart sing.