The Magic Realist


Eternal Being

Spirit is the animating power within
All living creatures. It is one’s vital essence.
One’s spirit is entirely nonphysical
It is made solely of energy, and it shall
Never cease to exist. One can experience
One’s own spirit, but how does the novice begin?

The spirit is the witnessing inner presence
Who observes yet remains silent. This personal
Stream of consciousness is beyond the ego mind,
And this mind beyond ego is easy to find
Through an experience that is transcendental.
One’s belief that it is makes a big difference.

The spirit, soul, or essence is a resident
Of the body and perceives its reality
Through the physical senses which often deny
The nonphysical dimension. One must apply
Spiritual techniques to get progressively
Better at reconnecting by conscious intent.

Perception veils the unseen and nonphysical
Dimension of reality. The spirit blends
And identifies with form which is limited
To the ego’s assessments, yet one can instead
Be aware of what the purest spirit intends.
Know that what spirit wants is more beneficial.

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