The Magic Realist

Changing Conditioned Behavior

The Dance of Thought and Emotion

Momentum and inertia are always at play.
Streams of energy sluggish flow with those of speed
Deep within and throughout me. Why can’t I let go
Of behaviors unwanted so that I can grow?
Gravity of life cripples my will to succeed.
Is an answer forthcoming? Please show me the way.

My own habits deep seated over many years
Coalesce into patterns that build the ego.
So to change them quickly is not easy to do.
I need proper guidance so that I may get through
The resistance I’ve crafted. What I need to know
Doesn’t move me sufficiently due to my fears.

The content caterpillar resistant to change
Wants to stay firmly earthbound, but nature rebels.
The destruction of old ways must be absolute
So the tree of becoming can bear fresher fruit.
When a true crisis happens, it truly compels
Abrupt emergent action. Why isn’t this strange?

The ego fears its own death and wants to hang on.
Knowing not that it cannot completely dissolve,
It may generate panic and drama to stay
In a bad situation deluged in dismay.
Not by force but by wisdom I then shall evolve
Though antics of the ego will never be gone.

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