The Magic Realist

The Power Of Attitude

Kingly Posture

There are only two animals on the planet
That have kingly attributes. One is the eagle.
The other is the lion. They both are leaders
Of their respective domains. They both are eaters
Of the flesh of all others. They both are regal.
If one encounters either, one will not forget.

The eagle is the king of all the bird kingdom
As the lion is of animals on the land.
They’ve the spirit of leadership. Their attitude
Is such that they achieve whatever is pursued.
Fearlessness in the face of danger they command.
They are eager for obstacles to overcome.

Not the tallest, or largest, or heaviest beast,
The lion is also not the smartest of all
The creatures in the jungle, yet they all respect
The presence of the lion. They would genuflect
Had they knees. (Never Mind. That was right off the wall.)
Lions are lethal when their anger is released.

You cannot have an attitude that is beyond
Your belief. Attitude is a product of what
Your belief system dictates. Do not lead by fear,
But remember your purpose which is more than clear.
Be aware of the feeling you have in your gut
About life and your propensity to respond.

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