The Magic Realist

Pay Attention To Spirit

Nonphysical Awareness

Spirit Speaks. That’s a given. The question is how
It does so. Its language I fully recognize
In a few ways. When I feel good or I feel God
I’m aligned with my spirit. I don’t find it odd
That by just being happy I can realize
The full presence of Spirit. I need but allow.

Spirit Speaks when I’m in alignment with nature.
If a bird, for example, performs before me
In a way that’s not normal, I pay attention.
I take in the perfection of time suspension
In the moment. My Spirit urges me to see
Its connection to nature. I know this for sure.

Strange occurrences and seemingly odd events
Is my Spirit lining up coincidences
That may teach me some lesson or show me that I’m
In alignment. I don’t have to spend precious time
Coming up with sophisticated defenses
Against what each synchronicity represents.

Spirit also speaks through other people who I
Interact with. My Spirit is aligning my
Thoughts with events that are happening here and now.
My Spirit has the ability to endow
Me with absolute clarity. I can’t deny
The existence of Spirit. With it I comply.

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