The Magic Realist


Perpetual Collaboration

If you want to do business then go right ahead.
Stop asking yourself questions and living in doubt
That it can ever happen. Your nine to five job
That you’ve come to despise definitely will rob
You of happiness which is what life is about.
It’s not healthy to continue something you dread.

Just Do It! But don’t do it because someone claims
To have made tons of money. It is but a scam.
Do what you do with passion. What comes from the heart
Is of intrinsic value. The moment you start
Seeing yourself as worthy you won’t give a damn
Any longer about playing sick social games.

Many people believe they are incapable
Of achieving great things so they settle for less
Than they’re worth. They are living mediocracy.
Believing this is the only way things can be,
In their lives they achieve little to no success,
And happiness is always inaccessible.

Once you have decided, know your industry well.
Learn from those at the top. Research all that you can.
Find your niche, and be master of what you provide
To the world. What you love is done with special pride.
Get with likeminded people, and stick to your plan.
Go the path that the passionate heart does compel.

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