The Magic Realist

Before Sleeping

Bedtime Routine

I can incubate good or bad things while I sleep.
Getting up on the wrong side of bed results from
Waking up to the harshness of an alarm clock
After dreams of unpleasantness cut short by shock
Back into hard reality. Nasty moods come
From nocturnal nurturance of crap that I keep.

Sleeping not well not only does harm to the mind.
Over time it can also affect the body.
So, it is most important that I be aware
Of some things I can do so that I best prepare
For a night of excitement and true fantasy.
To wake up feeling joyful I am so inclined.

Men perform the three ‘s’ functions when they arise.
Likewise, before it’s bedtime, a wholesome routine
Must include my not eating three hours… perhaps four…
So the digestive system can aptly restore
Itself to proper balance. It keeps the pipes clean.
To demand that they work night shift ain’t too damned wise!

Since I am mostly water, at night I should drink
Just enough that the body can do what it needs…
And a long lukewarm shower relieves certain stress
As it flushes the crud and the day’s toxic mess.
Neither mind nor the body, my true self succeeds
By observing wellbeing evolve in the pink.

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