The Magic Realist

Because You Believe

Love In Hands

You were born with a strong sense of your wellbeing
But not with practiced control of your vibration.
So, you practice. As you explore enough contrast,
You launch brand new desires. Your horizons are vast.
You want to become a master of creation,
So you think only those thoughts that are heart freeing.

When you want something and it does not come to be,
You may think that some outside force is preventing
It from coming. Believing yields more evidence
That it just may not happen. It doesn’t make sense.
To believe what you want won’t come is tormenting.
It remains a big part of your reality.

A belief is just a thought that you continue
To keep thinking. Your observation of something
Holds it in your vibration, then you attract more
Of the same. If it is something that you adore,
Then your focus upon it can be fulfilling.
But if it’s not, is there something that you can do?

You can stop thinking it. You can cease offering
The vibration of your current situation.
Don’t deny what you’re feeling. Just feel something new.
By focusing in another direction, you
Can change your belief into a much better one.
By your believing, you can create anything.

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