The Magic Realist

The Power Of Your Why

Colorful Questioning

When you’re ready to quit you must ask yourself why
You decided to do it. Therein lies the key
To continuing through it. Remember why you
Chose to take on this thing. It’s because you want to
Be your best. Any pain you endure happily.
Just keep asking the question when things go awry.

Why you need your why is because it will give you
The advantage you need to get past the despair
That you feel during tough times. The pain doesn’t last
For a long time. Your why will help you to get past
Disillusionment. Asking why makes you aware
Of your purpose in doing what you want to do.

Don’t ask questions that you or no one can answer
And don’t look outside yourself for information.
Go within and ask why you are feeling the way
That you do. You know well the answer, so to stay
Optimistic in your quest is easily done
When you keep yourself focused on what you prefer.

Life is not always easy. The question is how
Will you respond in those moments of frustration.
There will be seasons of suffering and dismay
But with your perseverance in life you will stay
In the running. Your life is your own creation.
There’s no limit to what you can do here and now.

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