The Magic Realist

The Great Secret

Fantasy Forest

Perhaps you should go to a university
And take that fifty-K a year job like all those
Many who’ve gone before you. But are they fulfilled?
Chances are the spirit within them has been killed
All because of the unworthy path that they chose
As they learn to face up to their reality.

This insane world teaches you that you’re limited,
That the world is a tough place, and that you must play
It safe always because there’s a finite amount
Of resources. This world teaches you to discount
Your own worthiness in a very subtle way.
Shortage consciousness among people is widespread.

But the truth is that you can achieve anything
That you want. There’s no limit –  no separation
Between you and the universe. You can allow
Wellbeing to become you as soon as right now.
Every moment is ripe for a new creation.
Be receptive to what the universe can bring.

What you think you deserve you will always attract.
This world is a canvas made especially for
You to paint on with your own imagination.
You’re the artist. Get to work. You’re the only one
To decide you can do it. Keep open the door
To your source of creation and make an impact.

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