The Magic Realist

Focused Upon What Matters

Ignore Everything Else

Focusing on what matters is the thing to do,
But just what in my boring life makes my heart sing
Loud enough that attention is not difficult?
Thinking too much about this yields no good result.
I appreciate what feeling better can bring
To the soul with some foolish reason to feel blue.

Knowing not what it feels like to have tons of wealth,
Need I waste time pursuing it? Much can be done
With a whole lot of money, but life energy
Is of ultimate value. My focus must be
On allowing its flowing by having more fun
And by developing habits that support health.

Energy and Alignment is my major aim.
Money and creature comforts are some byproducts
Of allowing the energy to freely flow.
How I feel about my life is how I best know
If I’m on or off track. If I feel my life sucks
Then I must change the way that I’m playing the game.

Infinite Energy is available to
Anyone who allows it. It can be pinched off
By joining some crusade that involves being pissed.
If I feel my life’s boring it’s hard to resist
The temptation to find some position to scoff.
Happiness is the reason for all that I do.

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