The Magic Realist

First Thing In The Morning

Daily Start

The First Thing In The Morning and throughout the day
Play a game that will set your vibrational tone
Apart from things that happened a long time ago.
Things you don’t even remember have come to grow
Into issues for which solutions are unknown.
Daily mind exercise will help flush them away.

Things you may have forgotten are still kept alive
By your thinking the same kinds of thoughts. You offer
A vibration that’s similar so you remain
In the same situation. You’ll have much to gain
By your focusing only on what you prefer.
Nurture a new vibration and then let it thrive.

Conjure up something in your mind different from
Your reality. The universe doesn’t care
If it’s real or if it’s absolute fantasy.
It responds just the same. In your mind you are free
To create your reality with as much flair
As you want and be delighted by what will come.

Find a place in your mind where you’d most like to be
And just stay there a moment or long enough to
Find relief from your beating the drum of the same
Sad song. Play the virtual reality game
Fairy often. It can bring happiness to you.
You will start to see changes immediately.

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