The Magic Realist

Happiness Is Success

Wonderful Moment

There’s a simple way. Feel Good! Is this too concise?
Care enough about how you feel that you’re willing
To find thoughts that feel good to you. This is the way
That connected with your higher self you will stay.
Keep your focus on what you find most fulfilling.
For anybody this is excellent advice.

You’re not looking for an answer. You’re looking for
A most pleasant path. Let that be your only goal.
Never ending solutions to never ending
Situations will satisfy you. Attending
To how you feel is how you take care of your soul.
You know how to keep your mind on what you adore.

There’s not some outside judgment wanting you to be
Somewhere that you’re not. Where you are is where you are.
How you feel about where you are is what matters.
You know how to keep quiet the mind that chatters.
The solution to a problem is never far
From your having all because you live happily.

Do whatever it takes to get yourself happy
And then stay there by constant appreciation
For all that’s going well for you and don’t compare
Yourself with anyone else. Your success is where
You find happiness. In any situation
You can be in alignment and resistance free.

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