The Magic Realist

Effortless Realization

Active Contemplation

You have done all the efforting as you’ve sifted
Through the contrast. You know what you don’t want and do.
Now that you’ve launched that rocket the universe will
Gather all the components needed to fulfill
Your desire. It should come as no surprise to you
That good things happen as you remain uplifted.

If it still feels like effort it means you’re slowing
Everything down. You may be too much in your head.
If you’re thinking too much about what you should do
You cannot maintain a positive point of view.
You may feel that you need to try harder instead
Of allowing wellbeing to begin flowing.

There’s never too much thinking when you’re guided by
How you feel in each moment and you have control
Over that. Let everything you do be inspired.
It’s a marvelous way to get what is desired.
That you feel on top of the world should be your goal.
You can always feel good without having to try.

You’ve been taught to follow the path of diligence
And hard work but people do it to compensate
For their lack of alignment with what they desire.
Being in the receptive mode doesn’t require
Any effort at all. You need only feel great.
The power of your good vibration is immense.

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