The Magic Realist

The Best Is Yet To Come

Enjoying Life

Your job is to feel as good as you possibly
Can feel and be as happy as anyone could.
You have the wind of divinity at your back.
You’ve defined where you want it to go. Keeping track
Of the moments of wonder feels just as it should.
You have now got a handle on prosperity.

But you have seen nothing like what is before you.
You’re on the verge of deliberate alignment,
Which means that more specifics begin happening.
Your clarity and eagerness for life will bring
You the blessings. They come by your conscious intent
To stay positive in everything that you do.

Your appreciation for others will improve,
And the management of the Law of Attraction
Now has palpable meaning. The crevasse between
Clarity and confusion is easily seen
So that you are aware of what needs to be done.
You are reminded of this with your every move.

You’re a world citizen with a unique worldview
Who most singularly has the ability
To access unseen powers that do worlds create.
There’s no looking back now that you have reached that state
Of complete alignment with all that you can be.
The path of least resistance is made clear for you.

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