The Magic Realist

Your Vibration

Tuning In To The Real You

It’s Vibrational Beingness that you live for.
Everyone has their own pattern of energy
That is like no one else’s. It needs special care
To maintain wholesome functioning. Being aware
Then acknowledging feeling good more frequently,
You are well on your way to fulfillment and more.

Go to places that feel good as much as you can.
Be aware that this feels good, and keep psychic track.
Try identifying all that makes it so nice.
Make a game of your pleasure. Let your life entice
You to your heart’s nirvana. Your feeling of lack
Is the only thing stopping your working your plan.

Don’t identify with what the place is about.
Just feel good, and don’t try to solve issues while there.
Don’t get into debates with people with issues.
There is no solving of them for the person who’s
Steeped in so much frustration. Life isn’t unfair.
There are laws to abide by to mitigate doubt.

Spend your time looking for that place central to you
That feels good no matter what else is going on.
It can start with a small thing. The sun rose today
And it helped you. Then larger things aren’t far away.
You can check your vibration by what it has drawn.
If it’s not what you want then you’ll know what to do.

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