The Magic Realist

You Are Worthy

Deserving Of All That Is Good

Do not think for a moment that you are not worth
Everything to the universe that put you here.
You knew that before coming. You knew that you would
Take advantage of all that is wholesome and good.
You are unstoppable when your motives are clear.
You planned for this adventure long before your birth.

You knew that there’d be contrast to help you decide
How things could be much better. You knew very well
That some things would upset you. You are adding to
All that is in a powerful way. It is true
That in utter contentment your spirit must dwell.
That you are here should give you a deep sense of pride.

Because the satisfaction factor is immense
Is the reason you signed up for this earth duty.
You should be feeling good now while co-creating
With forces of the universe. There is nothing
To prevent you from being who you’re meant to be.
You have access to infinite intelligence.

Sifting, deciding, aligning, realizing,
And rejoicing is the work you came here to do.
Positive expectation that things will work out
Is a tool most effective. There is not a doubt
That blessings from the universe are meant for you.
Be embraced by the huge power of this knowing.

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