The Magic Realist

Where Is Mister Right?

Heartfelt Illusion

“You complete me.” It’s sweet. It can make the girls cry
When they hear it especially on the big screen.
People mean it when they say it. But is it true?
Is it possible for everything about you
To be part of someone else? The world, if it’s seen
Through rose colored glasses, will not be your ally.

You may have had a relationship with someone
Who’s abusive so red flags go up everywhere
There are men. Look at that to see what’s going on
With your feelings from which conclusions can be drawn
In order to provide yourself the best of care
In your searching for a romantic solution.

Don’t be in denial about previous pain
That you suffered. You must feel it then let it go
Because it’s served its mission. Don’t drag it into
The future. You’ll repeat the ordeal if you do.
Once the pain is transcended the healed heart will grow
In experience. You’ll have a whole lot to gain.

Don’t look for the ‘right’ person. Instead look for who
In yourself you would love to be. Make yourself the
Right person for yourself then the right person will
Be attracted to you but he may not fulfill
Your dream in every detail. But at least you’ll be
With the person who is most attracted to you.

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