The Magic Realist

Tipping The Vibrational Scale

To One's Own Advantage

When consumed in vibration, like feeling my best
At whatever I’m doing, I need to take care
That I won’t then feel guilty. What if the next shoe
That will drop is calamity. What will I do
If my mood begins plummeting out of nowhere?
Can I know that forever and always I’m blessed?

“I have found my beloved. She is my soul mate.
Whenever we’re together our hearts beat as one.
I have wished for so many things that have come true.
Feeling so much on top of the world as I do,
I can know that my asking will never be done
And there is not an ending to what I create.”

I cannot know the bigness of provident grace.
I provide the ingredients through my desire.
Then forces universal take over from there.
All I need do is let go and be more aware
Of assurances given me as they conspire
To surprise and delight me all over the place.

Seeking thought non-resistant, the pleasure therein
Is the mind made more quiet. Can I tip the scale
From my guilt for enjoyment of life here and now?
I must feel myself worthy, then I can allow
What is good to come to me in every detail.
Can I rid myself of my existential sin?

Wonderful things may happen. Amazed I’ll not be
Though it goes against habit. Some work it does take
To where I am expectant of things working out
To my general favor. The presence of doubt
Is a cumbersome killjoy that leads to heartache.
All that I have been asking for will come to be.

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