The Magic Realist

Things Will Change

The inevitable Action of Being

Happiness is a simple choice. Hard it may be
To let go of the need to control everything.
The greatest dilemma to befall humankind
Is demanding that conditions be well defined
Before some satisfaction does efforting bring.
It’s not by desperation that one becomes free.

Can I be happy in this moment anyway
Without something pleasing outside me to occur?
I can’t control conditions. They’re impossible.
There must be some solution. I remain hopeful
That a positive change, one that I’d most prefer,
Can happen from within me. I pray that it may.

There are only two choices. My environment
I can respond to, then try to manhandle it
Into humble submission. Or I can create
A vibration of happiness to orchestrate
The environment I want. It’s best I commit
To the feeling of living in full enjoyment.

Conjuring up an image is how to begin
To get my circumstances to respond in kind
To the image created. The changes will come
If I can stop the habit of beating the drum
Of unworthy crusades. I can leave them behind.
Nothing will change outside until there’s change within.

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