The Magic Realist

There’s Nothing Ahead

Slow Down

Lovers think that they are looking for each other
But there is only one search. It is wandering
This world is wandering that, both inside of one
Transparent the sky. In here, as all said is done
There’s no dogma or heresy and not a thing
On the long road to nowhere on earth as it were.

The miracle of Jesus is himself, not what
He said or did about the future. So forget
The future. I would worship someone who could do
Only that but I fear that there are but a few
Who can get through the journey without some regret.
Would it be much the wiser to temper one’s strut?

On the way you may want to look back, or may not
But if you can say truly “There’s noting ahead,”
There will be nothing there. Stretch your arms and take hold

Of the cloth of your clothes with both hands. Pain is gold
And itself is the cure for it. Live and break bread.
This moment is the only one that can be sought.

Good and bad are mixed. If you do not have them both
Then you don’t belong with us. Just where you belong
Is of your own creation. When one of us gets
Lost, is not here, there is not a call for regrets.
That one must be inside us healthy, whole, and strong.
There’s no place like that anywhere. Thus is our growth.

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