The Magic Realist

The Easier Path

A Clear Choice

If I find a good feeling place and maintain it
I can’t get into trouble and find myself lost.
Many roads take me to the place I want to be
But some are difficult and not necessary.
Can I learn to remain positive at all cost?
I’ve been driving for this long. I can’t up and quit.

How do I learn to trust thoughts that may lead me to
Places of satisfaction? I’ll feel excitement.
My enthusiasm will be at maximum
And there will be no obstacles to overcome.
All the world is prepared to see what I present
As a well-traveled person in some point of view.

Am I really in touch with the way that I feel
And not covering up tension with lots of work?
I release the temptation to increase my speed.
That the ride be a bit smoother is what I need.
Can I learn to accept clarity as a perk
Of my being well balanced in all that is real?

There is always an on ramp to a smother road.
Let the finish line be, “That feels better,” that’s all.
Since I am always moving, I can repeat this.
Every moment that does not… I safely dismiss.
My feeling is my guidance should ever I stall.
A whole lot of blessings are upon me bestowed.

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