The Magic Realist

Spiritual Whirlwinds

Spiritual Symbology

The spiritual warfare that has to take place
Due to our human nature becomes ever more
Obvious. No longer will there be subtlety
In the battle between hate and love, and to be
Of either is to be quite acquainted with war.
Is there something the matter with the human race?

Governance is an issue. We can’t get along
Because of our diversity. We’re a nation
Where the Civil War continues to be fought and
One where the sick among us will not understand
That all people are part of divine creation.
There’s only the difference between right and wrong.

How does spirit and warfare end up in the same
Stream of consciousness? Scripture declares there will be
Commotion in the end times, but apparently
This time is one of many throughout history.
It’s not hard to look at it spiritually
When complete understanding alone is your aim.

The whirlwinds of spirituality are such
That foundations can be uprooted. Temptation
To be swept up in drama will always exist.
Spirit may not want you to be an altruist,
But it does offer insight. The elevation
Of the consciousness of this world is needed much.

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