The Magic Realist

Speed Things Up

Overcoming Resistance To Acceleration

Have I not heard enough about how to move on
Happily ever after above the thick clouds
From the tons of self-help books and through my asking?
The resistance I feel prevents me from basking
In all that I am living. My yearning enshrouds
All the grace I am given which is never gone.

“How do I speed things up then?” this novice may ask
While not feeling momentum in life day to day.
“…By not slowing them down.” Is the answer I hear.
Though it does twist my noodle, it’s perfectly clear.
Clear the twigs from the wheel’s spokes, then I surely may
Move more swiftly than ever. I’m up to the task.

There’s a natural momentum to everything
That is dreamt of or wished for. It starts by asking.
Then cooperative components fall into place.
The adventure is nice, but let’s quicken the pace.
I have gotten nowhere with my multitasking.
Can I know what the laws of the universe bring?

I speed things up with satisfaction. That’s for sure,
And I slow them down greatly with doubt, pain, and fear.
This law works in the opposite way just as well.
I have taken that route. It’s a roadway to hell.
I can remove the struggle from my atmosphere
And proceed with a spirit empowered and pure.

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