The Magic Realist

On The Passing Of A Dear Friend

Pools of Damping Vibration

It’s always surprising – inevitable news
Of the passing of someone. It happens to all.
Yet it still causes ripples through one’s consciousness.
I speak some about death here, but I must confess
That what I know of anything is rather small
As the shock wave consuming I cannot refuse.

A dear friend with a heart of pure gold is most rare.
Why they spend a brief while here is not to be known –
At least not by the living. The lesson I’ve learned
From this one of pure spirit may now be discerned
In the depths of my sorrow. I feel not alone
In her presence or absence. I’ve learned how to care.

And this isn’t about me. It is about she
Who’s most angelic presence is felt in her smile.
Bright and Pearlie, her essence is straight from her heart.
Down to earth is her wholesomeness with human art.
Fun and games she’s a master of. Her friendly style
Generates warmth within folk whomever they be.

I’ll remember her laughter, the warmth of her heart,
And her kind, loving nature. She has taken wings
And is now one with Spirit. Some envy I feel.
The impact of her sudden loss I can’t conceal.
There is now new meaning to my own offerings
To the people I love and of whom I’m a part.

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