The Magic Realist


Being Ever Present

When the mind can be emptied, then full it is made
Of the loving awareness present here and now.
Mindfulness become industry is a good thing.
Educating the masses creates a wellspring
Of wisdom and kindheartedness as is the Tao.
Love is mother to presence, the real escapade.

The incorporating into daily routine
Principles of the Buddhist tradition is done
Through the myriad works of authors and masters.
Tuning into the body instantly transfers
Attention from destructive thoughts and to the one
Thing that can be controlled. It’s a gifted machine.

Loving kindness begins by my breathing it in,
Taking notice of sensations and surroundings,
Then exhaling the waste collected by the mind.
It’s an organ of value, but it’s not designed
For working in the present. Too often it brings
Misery through delusion, the ultimate sin.

Bringing loving awareness into the body
Is an easy enough process for peace of mind.
Perception without interference, judgment, or
Conceptualization can open me more
To the self undiscovered in whom I can find
All there is that I need to behave properly.

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