The Magic Realist

Love One Another

Nurture The Union

It’s to Love One Another. The reason to be
In existence is none other than to become
Well acquainted with loving. For all humankind
To behave as if we’re all of one common mind…
It’s a concept that we mustn’t shy away from.
We’re commanded to do so by the almighty.

As we Love One Another, we make not a bond
Of love, rather we let it be a moving sea
Between the shores of our souls. We fill each other’s
Cup but drink not from one cup. As loving occurs,
Spaces in our togetherness do let there be.
Heaven’s winds dance within them into the beyond.

Giving one another of our bread, we eat not
From the same loaf. So joyously we sing and dance
Together but we let each other be alone
Like the strings of the lute. Each one is on its own
But to the same music each quivers. Not by chance
Does the sound produced make most people hot to trot.

Give your hearts, but not into each other’s keeping
For only the hand of life can contain your hearts
And stand together, yet not too near together
For the temple will not stand in heavy weather
With its pillars too close. It takes minuscule smarts
To know what kind of karma oneself is reaping.

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