The Magic Realist

It’s About To Happen

Don't Give Up Hope

Your awareness of where you are can hold you back.
Strongly believable is your reality
Because it’s translated by physical senses.
You see things then believe them. The consequences
Are your strong dispositions. Yet if you could be
A being of perfection you’d still get some flack.

You are here to create your own reality –
Not to face someone else’s. Some folks recreate
What they’re facing already, again and again.
Powerful belief systems are reinforced, then
There are conflicting mindsets to coordinate
Along with others telling you how you should be.

Stop looking so much at what is, first and foremost.
How far you are away from the unfulfilled dream
Has not to do with distance nor time it may take.
It’s about vibration. Consciously while awake
You decide to get happy then on comes a stream
Of sustaining fulfillment of which you may boast.

When you sleep, all momentum stops. When you awake,
Your vibration is neutral. This time is the best
To find reasons to feel good – the more the better.
Then your day will unfold the way you would prefer.
Don’t worry or think things that will make you depressed.
Your doubting and complaining would be a mistake.

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