The Magic Realist

Do One Simple Thing

Changing Life's Story

In the moment one recognizes a desire
There are two simultaneous acknowledgements.
One is having that something. The other is not.
People put their focus on the latter a lot.
When this happens it brings on the worst of events.
This duplicity about things does life require.

The balance of the universe lies though therein.
All creation is twofold. Each has within it
The potential of the thing not manifesting
And, of course, the good feeling that having does bring.
Knowing which is the better requires not much wit
And to choose to feel bad is a terrible sin.

I add to one side or the other through the day
As my thoughts become random and infiltrating
Which do I want to focus on? That is easy,
But I act to my detriment unconsciously.
I can pay attention to what makes my heart sing,
Then to negative emotion I won’t fall prey.

I’ll acknowledge the positive aspects always
As my life keeps unfolding. It opens the door
To every opportunity. Doors remain closed
If I keep on thinking the thoughts that are opposed
To the thing that I want more than ever before.
I can change my life story to one of some praise.

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