The Magic Realist


Expression Of Diversity

A complex combination of qualities and
Characteristics is called personality.
It forms an individual’s own character.
It’s unique, and people treat it as if it were
The true self. It’s presented to society
As a person of which one has total command.

This aspect of the ego is influenced and
Developed in direct relation to patterns
Integrated in childhood. They are reinforced
And become habit until they’re fully endorsed
By the ego. Truth is the least of its concerns.
It’s too simple for it to fully understand.

It’s an intricate system of learned responses.
Whether one is agreeable, honest, and kind,
Or angry and resentful depends on many
Factors including karma, but definitely
One’s prevailing level of consciousness and mind.
Its behavior is subject to consequences.

Spiritual work and understanding leads to
The realization that one is not the thing
That’s called mind and that thinks things. One is the pristine
Awareness beyond mind. Everything can be seen
To be nameless and simply a conscious being.
Be open to discovering the one most true.

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