The Magic Realist

The Hannitary Napkin

Neuter Hygiene

When old men have their periods nothing is worse
Than to be not protected from uncontrolled flow.
The obese orange faced loser while on the golf course
Needs assurance that when it comes out with great force
There will be someone nearby unlike Morning Joe
Who will peddle the bullshit. I think it’s perverse.

Their relationship decades in blossoming mode
Is not one in compliance with anything good.
It’s not by definitions that words have meanings
But in how they are twisted to mean other things.
Multilayered is the fist-fucked fabric understood.
Too much of it seeps through, and to none is it owed.

Long before there was fox news, people just used rags
To absorb heavy leakage periodically.
Nowadays there are assholes who know how to suck
Like the best in the business. This arrogant schmuck
Is the ear-to-rump doctor for his majesty
With accent on the ‘jest’ as in funny freak flags.

Worthwhile and cost effective for neuter hygiene,
This fine Hannity product is just right for those
With weak minds ‘liberated’ to only believe
Those whose craft is in essence to cheat and deceive.
Bigotry is a virtue. Those who dare oppose
Risk the wrath of the fabric that just can’t come clean.

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