The Magic Realist

You Can’t Get It Wrong Because It’s Never Done

The Eternal Race

If you’re asking for something, but not receiving,
You’ve vibrationally matched the absence of it
More clearly than you have its presence. It remains
The stronger of two forces. You go through the pains
Of resistance but not to your own benefit.
In your own self-worth you may not be believing.

It’s so easy to do. If you’ve got a sickness
In your body, then negative emotion feeds
Your conscious awareness of the incessant pain.
Spiritually, you’re given time to regain
Natural alignment. The afflicted self needs
To recover. One cannot speed up the process.

If you really want something but you are really
Focused on its absence, and you keep doing so,
It will manifest physically as illness.
Struggling with your false limits causes you distress.
Take advantage of your vibrational escrow.
Change your point of attraction. It will set you free.

You cannot get it wrong because it’s never done.
You will always be wanting more than you have now.
Shifting up the emotional scale is easy,
And as you release resistance, your life can be
Wonderful and exciting. You learn to allow
By accepting the good feeling thought that’s begun.

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