The Magic Realist

Use Your Power Effectively

Hands Holding Light

When you stood before Jesus dripping your illness
He saw not your unhealthy state. He saw only
Your wellness. He knew it in a powerful way.
So much so that the illness you had couldn’t stay.
Anyone within his gaze was able to be
Positively affected. He was a success.

Then he said, “Go forth. Tell no one,” because he knew
That they would talk to others who would talk them out
Of their wellness and put them back right where they were.
With what you know they can’t find a way to concur.
There is no place in healing for lingering doubt.
How you respond to your healing is up to you.

Jesus was not the only one who healed but he
Did it often. When you’re calibrated to your
Inner being, there’s no resistance within you
Then all kinds of phenomenal things you can do.
The stronger your belief in their wellness the more
Successful at their transformation you will be.

Why do you want to do it? Is it because you
Truly want others to be contented and whole?
Or do you want to do it to satisfy your
Selfish needs? Ponder this so that you can be sure
That your motive is in line with that of your soul.
Your belief is the myth of your healing made true.

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