The Magic Realist


Organized Time

Tomorrow is the most dangerous word in your
Vocabulary. Although it’s a symbol for
Hope, it can just as easily be the reason
That your dreams remain dreams. To get anything done
Is a struggle, yet your dreams you cannot ignore.
Tomorrow isn’t the palace where now you can store.

Tomorrow diminishes the significance
Of the air that you’re breathing right now. It tells you
That someday you can begin your journey and that
In comfort you can wait. But you’re not looking at
The big picture. Tomorrow has nothing to do
With this present moment and current circumstance.

Tomorrow masks itself as an escape for those
Held down by fear. They are most resistant to change.
They’ll encourage you to be content where you stand
And that you have your whole life to do what you’ve planned.
But to one who is present this message is strange.
It’s contrary to what the enlightened one knows.

There will never be a moment in your life more
Precious than the one you’re living now. Be aware
Of the present. Tomorrow can last forever.
Opportunities come to you almost never
When you take on the attitude that you don’t care.
This moment is the one that is worth living for.

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