The Magic Realist

Things Should Go Your Way

Little Magic

You have access to infinite intelligence.
You also have the ability to translate
Information nonphysical by how you feel.
What you focus on incessantly becomes real.
It’s of tremendous value to appreciate
As much as you can. It makes spiritual sense.

Your emotional guidance system lets you know
Where you are on your journey. Pay attention to
How you feel in each moment. Your conscious intent
To feel better is all that you need to prevent
Your straying from your path. It’s important that you
Feel your very best to get energy to flow.

There exists human horror. How does one explain
The demonic behavior? One leaves it alone!
Wellbeing is the dominant force thankfully.
But is this incongruent with reality
And the Law of Attraction? How can this be known?
Thinking too much about it will drive one insane.

Focus on the solution as those beings who
Were once human on earth here but now are aware
Of nothing but wellbeing. You’re more than worthy
Of living life to its fullest and happily.
About how you feel you must give your utmost care.
Believe that everything is working out for you.

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