The Magic Realist

The World Is Your Kitchen

The Hearth

What is the purpose of your life experience?
Surely you know the answer if you have any
Sense of how this world operates. You’re here to be,
Do, or have anything you want. Naturally
You create every bit of your reality.
There is a special reason for your existence.

Into this physical dimension you have come
Because you’re a creator who wants to express
That while being here. Your work here is to define,
Discern, and decide, then to properly align
With your wishes and your ultimate happiness
In this world. There is nothing to get away from.

This world is a well-stocked kitchen with every kind
Of ingredient one could imagine and it
Has an infinite supply of each and you are
An astute master chef. Do you feel up to par?
Yes You Do! Everything is for your benefit.
Don’t let thoughts of negativity cross your mind.

Your work is to put some of those ingredients
Into different combinations to create
Whatever you want to. You’ve the freedom to be
As creative as you want and most happily.
On the meal that you’re making you must concentrate.
Let your role in your kitchen here and now commence.

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