The Magic Realist

The Power Of Your Intentions

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As you’re looking at contrast and moving toward
Your desires manifesting, enjoy the journey.
Notice how this piece fits in and then the next piece.
Do whatever you can to ensure the release
Of resistance and know that you can truly be
Confident that by the universe you’re adored.

You’ve decided to be deliberate about
Your creating. You’ve learned to do it consciously
Rather than by default where you’re just reacting
To your life. You’re concerned with what you’re attracting
Into your life experience. You want to be
Clear of negative intention and crippling doubt.

You’ve been segment intending, appreciating,
And daydreaming. You’ve learned how to get out ahead
Of the next situation by being prepared.
Beforehand your intentions are fully declared
To yourself and to others. You cannot be led
Off your path. You’re aware of what you’re creating.

When you start making the correlation between
What you intended and what is manifesting,
There’s extreme satisfaction. The universe will
Cater to you to where you can savor the thrill
Of receiving all that you have been requesting.
Live a life that’s exciting but also serene.

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