The Magic Realist

Source Offers You A Signal

Purple Waves

You know that you’ve a strong and wise inner guidance
However sometimes you’re afraid that you may not
Be translating it properly yet you know that
Your reception of guidance is doomed to fall flat
If you think you’re not getting a hell of a lot.
How can you get your head around this circumstance?

Make your statements about what you want to create –
Not about what you’re fearful of. Then you will be
In the state of allowing what you want to come.
Negative statements you want to stay away from.
Your inner guidance speaks to you rather loudly.
Nothing about your life happens to you by fate.

There’s a wise Source within you who knows everything
You’ve been wanting since day one and even before.
It knows where you are now and how to get you to
Where you want to be so it’s important for you
To tune into its signal. You need not do more
Than be happy. Do whatever makes your heart sing.

It’s about preparation. Put some space between
Your asking and your hearing what Source has to say.
You’ll get inspiration and impulses to act
In such ways that you’re much more able to attract
What you’re looking for. It will come to you by way
Of your working on keeping your vibration clean.

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