The Magic Realist

On All Levels

The Heart of the Measure

Simple horizontality can get perverse.
Logic dictates that from left to right we must read.
We are taught that perpendicular to the ground
Is the vertical axis where success is found
To be all that there is to life. Now what we need
Is a change in perception to undo the curse.

Remedies are like assholes in need of repair
From incessant abuse from all powers that be
For the same crap that evil uses to entice
Human souls into darkness all for the right price.
Healing can be accomplished. But can we agree
Not to disagree hatefully? Or is this rare?

Emotions become rattled. Each day passes by
With no change to the nightmare nor to the disease
Eating us as a nation. We’re at this again.
Civil war ideation among deranged men
Is a resident terror that everyone sees
As a recurring pattern. The question is, Why?

But the answer is deeper. We have not the tools
For the faulty machinery between our ears
And throughout our brief history – Even before…
Who knows when the shit started? Need we go to war
And just get it all over with? It is our fears
That perpetuate evil. Indeed we are fools.

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