The Magic Realist

Never Pursue

Avoid The Race

Just the word ‘pursuing’ is worth considering
Because this is an attraction-based universe,
And, as such, one can never pursue anything.
You attract by the vibration you’re offering
Life is live. Do not think you are here to rehearse.
What are the consequences ignorance may bring?

Almost all of your creation work is complete
Long before any action by you is offered.
It is all done vibrationally, then it starts
Manifesting. You’ve come to master the fine arts
Of creation. A transformation has occurred
Such that you truly can say that your life is sweet.

Most people don’t really get that going because
They get into it, then they stop and start again.
Then they say, “Oh! I’d better just manhandle this.”
You do not have to force things into beingness.

Things will manifest a whole lot easier when
You are most receptive to spiritual laws.

Make good use of the leverage of alignment.
It’s so huge in comparison to your action,
But when you dream the dream until it inspires you
Into action, then surely everything you do
Will give you nothing but extreme satisfaction.
You attract into your life profound contentment.

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