The Magic Realist

Learn To Swim

You Will Survive The Move

A few words may be said about learning to swim
And the nature of water. The truth to be told
Is that no doctrine saves you from going under.
Everything that you had learned is cast asunder
When abruptly thrown in. If you try to grab hold
Of something then survival is looking quite grim.

The nature of water we must know from the start.
There’s nothing to hang on to. It is transient,
Everchanging and fluid. The whole universe
Is an aqueous substance in which we immerse.
Words, ideas, and concepts will often prevent
A healthy understanding. We then fall apart.

In the waters of modern philosophical
Confusion where God is dead and meaningless are
Metaphysical propositions, we survive
Or we drown, so in keeping consciousness alive,
Intellect is the net that we cast wide and far
To catch fish of reality. It’s logical.

In this universe there is one great energy.
We have given names to it, but none will suffice.
So to swim we must let go and give ourselves to
The enveloping substance of life. When we do
We will find that the sea of life does something nice.
It will make us buoyant and lift us to safety.

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