The Magic Realist

It’s Finished! Now Chill!

Leave Alone What Is Done

That fine piece of walnut has been coated with stain
Just the way that you wanted it. Now let it be.
You can polish it later and give it a buff.
One would think that by now you would know all this stuff
But sometimes you forget alignment completely.
That’s okay. There’s no super status to attain.

People think that if they have their sights on something
They must think of it all the time and reel it in
Like a fish. That’s not how it is. Your work is done
Once you set your intention, so go have some fun.
As you do, circumstances in life will begin
To get brighter. It really is astonishing.

Your main job is to chill. You need not figure out
What the path is. It’s already been shown to you.
You can be receptive to the information
That your path reveals to you. You have become one
With the process evolving. Your work amounts to
Keeping up your vibration and banishing doubt.

Things begin manifesting in your life because
Finally you’re experiencing your power
Of alignment and leverage. Now celebrate
All that you know will happen. True blessings await
The contented one. The universe will shower
Them upon those who understand its basic laws.

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