The Magic Realist


Cosmic Connectivity

Integrity is the quality of having
Strong ethical or moral principles. It means
Following them at all times. It’s a positive
Character trait. It is a wholesome way to live.
It would be nice if it were a part of our genes.
It can be nothing but a most wonderful thing.

It is the bedrock upon which good character
Is built, where one understands, accepts, and chooses
To live in accordance with one’s own principles.
Life is made tolerable with loving spoonfuls
Of refreshing integrity. One excuses
Limitations of others as they may occur.

Choose the positive instead of the negative.
To treat others as you would like to be treated
And to take personal responsibility
For your own life experience naturally
Brings about and awareness that’s deeply seated
In the heart of compassion for how others live.

Every act of kindness, love, consideration,
Forgiveness, or compassion affects everyone.
There’s that which leads to truth, love, life, wholeness, and God,
And there’s that which leads to one hell of a façade.
Spiritual discernment is the solution
To the issue of ego wherein there is none.

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