The Magic Realist

Don’t Try To Fix What Happened

Process Puzzlement

You’ve created for yourself a vibrational
Reality, and nothing less than that will do.
It is more than what you have already allowed
To become your experience. You are endowed
With a fine guidance system and clear point of view.
Everything about your life is sensational.

You can get out ahead of ‘what is’ for right now.
Do not try to clean up what you have been living.
Don’t try to go into the past analyzing.
You’ll continue creating the very same thing,
For the Law of Attraction is unforgiving.
Besides, it’s such a mess that you wouldn’t know how.

Getting out ahead of something means intending
How the next segment of your day is to unfold.
Talk yourself into it in explicit detail.
Infinite intelligence is at your avail.
This is how segments throughout your day are controlled,
And in fact there is no energy expending.

Don’t remember what happened to you yesterday.
You’ll reactivate that energy, and it will
Keep you locked in a pattern most unbecoming
Of a selective sifter. Keep on daydreaming
Like there is no one looking. You’re meant for the thrill
Of your asking and then having things go your way.

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