The Magic Realist

Creative Self-Expression

Provocative Personality

Do proceed with your decadent self, I insist!
For if not, all the world will not know of your name.
Be completely assertive in how you perform.
Take the stage if you want to depart from the norm.
You have people’s attention. Success you will claim
As the prize for your efforts. Be by the world kissed!

Feeling quite warm and friendly and light on my feet
In the midst of my projects and gadgets galore,
Totally I’m excited. Just give me some space
To inform and delight you. The look on my face
Says it all, and I intend to give you much more
Than you think could be possible. This ain’t conceit.

Consciousness of appearance is highly maintained.
Making my good impression is first and foremost
So that you’ll get to view me as fully prepared
And profoundly professional. Confidence shared
For a meeting enlightening as we’re engrossed
In unique entertainment is easily gained.

 Creative Self-Expression is freedom to be
Unrestrained and inspired by the passion within
To communicate meaning in every which way.
Infinite is the power in what people say.
Knowing that I have value is where to begin
Brushing up on my act so that others may see.

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