The Magic Realist

Connect With Infinity

Infinite Intelligence

What is infinite intelligence anyway?
It has been called God consciousness. Still I wonder
How infinity feels. Many experience
This state often. It’s one of complete transcendence.
It’s a positive influence to be under
So I hear without having all that much to say.

The best word to describe it may be clarity.
One could call it alignment but that word is just
Not as feelable and the word love has been messed
With so much that its true meaning can’t be expressed
Easily. In the power of language we trust
To explain what we’ve come to know with certainty.

It’s that feeling of absolute confidence in
What I’m doing that gets me closer to that place
Where I seem to know everything I need to know
In each moment. My soul has no wish but to grow
In experience. I believe in divine grace
And that my not partaking of it is a sin.

With no petty issues and no blockages I
Am receptive to infinite intelligence.
Life provides enough contrast and I’m connected
To infinity. Good is to be expected.
The mere thought of it offers renewed confidence.
The power that creates worlds is now my ally.

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