The Magic Realist


Clarity Of Mind

The beginning of the rest of your life is right
At this moment. A new world can be frightening
And exciting all at once, and you’re protected
By divinity – the force that has directed
You thus far. You find life to be enlightening
For the most part. It seems that your future is bright.

Think outside the box. Don’t be afraid to explore
Your ideas with passion. Don’t be afraid to
Take chances and to fail in a very big way.
You have only one life. It has to be okay
To climb every mountain. The spirit within you
Keeps experiencing life and asking for more.

Dream big dreams but remember that dreams without goals
Are just dreams which if not acted on will decay
And fuel disappointment. Goals you can achieve
With consistency if in your heart you believe
That you’re worthy of having things work out your way.
You are living a life that no one else controls.

To achieve your goals discipline you must apply
Which you’re already doing. We don’t plan to fail,
But we fail to plan. What is your motivation
For continuing with this new life you’ve begun?
Ask yourself ‘why’ and answer in vivid detail
And your purpose the universe will satisfy.

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